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Cultivating a greener and stronger East Saint Louis

As a Member of Preston Community Garden:
I understand that my membership fee for my plot and use of the garden is non-refundable.
​I will plant my plot within 2 weeks of my plot assignment and tend to my plot until October.​​
I will participate in the care and maintenance of the garden.
I will not remove anything from another member's plot without permission.
I will not bring pets into the garden.
I will be respectful and helpful toward other members.
I will fully supervise children in my care.
I will keep my code to enter the garden confidential.
I will not store person items at the garden.
I understand that smoking is prohibited.
I will make arrangements with another member to tend to my plot if I will temporarily be unavailable (vacation or health reasons). I will also notify a representative of PCG.
I understand if I neglect or abandon my plot that it will be reassigned.
I will abide by the bylaws which I have read on the website or posted at the garden.
I understand that plots are assigned on a "first come, first serve" basis.
I understand if I violate this agreement that I may be subject to dismissal from the garden.
By signing below, I hereby agree to forever waive, release, and discharge from any and all liability, and hold harmless Preston Community Garden and all of its officers, directors, members, sponsors, and volunteers from any all liability for negligence or any other claim, judgement, loss, liability, cost and expenses, including, without limitation, attorney's fees and costs, arising out of or connected with my participation at the Preston Community Garden located in East Saint Louis, IL
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